Dad's Life 360

The Art Of Life And The Humerous Struggles Of Raising Good Humans!

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Dad's Life 3D BLOG

This blog is about growing up in Los Angeles, travel, family, friends and my life raising two kids as a single dad. The content herein is for everyone who enjoys informal storytelling and the humorous struggles of raising good humans!

Vinyl Fridays & Beyond

In March of 2020, Los Angeles went into a mandatory lockdown due the the COVID-19 pandemic. Store shelves throughout the city were empty of toilet paper, cleaning supplies and other household items.With my production company completely shut down, I needed to find a creative outlet. Luckily I didn't have to look too far. Ten minutes away, at my parents house in Santa Monica, I had 12 crates of vinyl records sitting in storage.I was a DJ back in the day. I ended my career on the wheels of steel as the house DJ at Club Hollywood (Formerly Seven Seas) until March of 1992. My record collection covers the 1970s, '80s and early 1990s. I "retired" around the time when NWA was still straight bumpin', and house music was just coming to America.So began Pandemic Vinyl...

Pandemic Vinyl Archive

In 2020 myself, along with a scrappy team of like-minded humans, launched a platform that will change the way people can access inspiring and motivational content! JOURNEY 8 was the brainchild of my dear friend, K.P., and was designed as an entry point for anyone who wants to discover, and create, the best version of themselves.

Eric Alan Donaldson is a multi-award winning content creator and visionary. In his career that spans over 20 years, he has developed a keen ability to seek out emerging markets and new technologies. His sense of “what’s next” has won him advertising and marketing campaigns with global brands such as Lexus, Corona, Nike and Red Bull.During his tenure, Eric has created a collective network of media professionals who create original, socially conscious content, which elevates brands and cultivates good humans worldwide.

Dad's Life 360

The Next Chapter Looks Good!